Team Incentive

with active recovery academy

Bring your teams together for
an active business and health retreat.

According to studies, more employees are suffering from burnout as a result of the pandemic. It’s clear that the current work models has changed but it’s less clear what the long-term model will be. So what can leaders do to nurture a healthier workplace and act as a role model for their team members? What we know is that meanwhile, companies are looking for the best option to boost engagement, motivation and efficiency, while facing some challenges that put an alert on business health across all levels.

By capturing data and insights in advance, we work on mission specific needs to build a business and healthy team culture that promotes team engagement, boosts productivity, and fosters a positive working environment.

Reasons why untrained teams may face new problems:

  • New challenges, erosion of culture and relationships
  • Stress, mental health, and burnout issues
  • Reduced ability to perform under new high performance demands
  • Lack of team dynamics
  • Poor alignment with company values, vision and mission
  • Disrupted organisational behavioural physiology

Vital Play is a dynamic real-life scenario that
allows team members
to act and learn outside their comfort zone.

  • Role play with real-life scenarios targeted to pre-set identified individual challenges
  • Team bonding activities are used in order to create a skilled, resilient, high performing and goal-driven team prepared for a more sustainable future.
  • Applied active recovery methods to sustain an optimal healthy performance.
  • Foster stronger relationships and cohesiveness as a base of success in highly effective goal-driven teams
  • Improve productivity, motivation and team trust to achieve business goals

The benefits from the business and health retreat camps

  • Team members gain better energy, cognitive capacity, productivity and wellbeing
  • Apply newfound purpose, meaning and engagement
  • Develop new skills to handle stress based on each participants specific needs
  • Provide value through knowledge with a mission specific focus
  • Knowledge and skills transfer through hands-on training in real-life senarios
  • Strengthen team ties and staff are less likely to quit

We are looking forward to hearing from you
to tailor and boost your teams together
in an active business and health retreat.


Ask for further information on how we can tailor program topics to spark up your next:

  • Walk&Talk
  • ARA Retreat camp
  • Board meeting
  • Team incentive
  • Conference
  • Health incentive