Personal Dynamic Coaching will unlock your FULL potentials and transform your life.

This coaching program is ground-breaking and online.

If you experience too much pressure, feel tired from high work-life demands and as a result are not sleeping well, feel stressed, have a fear of failing, experience anxiety and uncertainty, this coaching program will help you to manage a productive work-life with a healthy performance.

Our coaches are skilled in the topic sustainable healthy performance and burnout prevention, work optimisation, personal capital builder and active recovery.

All our coach-trainers have long experience that they can challenge each client to see how they can bring out their best, inspire them to find new ways to overcome stressors and inhibitors, engage with them to the point that they don’t want to stop, objective oriented with the ability to remove them from the context of a problem and elicit new choices, strong tactical empathy and able to step into their world, understand them and validate without sacrificing their beliefs. 

This Personal Dynamic Coaching helps you to develop the power within you to thrive with purpose, meaning and engagement to manage work-life pressure and multiple demands with a productive healthy performance.

The latest guidelines have made it clear the importance of active recovery to stay on top, to prevent overuse, exhaustion or to overcome early burnout. In the program we explain what we mean with Active Recovery and develop solutions that fits each client.

This coaching program empowers you to also learn the basic principles of Orchestrating Healthy Performance and gain insight on how to master vitality, challenging work demands under pressure and refueling energy in the moment to sustain healthy performance. It will also help you to prevent inhibiting stressors, fatigue and over-use, disengagement and conquer early burnout signs.

Overall, the basic concept of this coaching program is to help you as client to conquer your work-life-health challenges, experience thrive with a more dynamic, purposeful and productive personal, private, and professional life.


We kick things off with a one introduction workshop/session (90 min) to identify needs, analyze how they affects you and develop instant solution together with your program objectives.

After the session we send, via e- mail, a set of personalized tools that will help you to cope with your needs first, which we will work on adapting to fit for purpose.


We continue with weekly sessions:

 One at the beginning of the week – a shorter spot coaching (30 min)
 One at the end of the week – a full coaching session related to
development plan (60 min)


On the 6th week we conduct a “gain&change” session to evaluate
progress and achievements as well as what remains on the agenda.


1. Discovery and identify inhibiting stressor, analyse physical, mental, emotional and behavioural signs of stress-related fatigue.
2. Understanding underlaying causes 
3. Establishing the first tool kit, objectives and goals with a clear objectives.
4. Thrive with purpose within your personal, private and professional life.
5. Apply active recovery and manage Sustainable Healthy Performance.

6.  Develop an action plan with targeted weekly goals.

7. Gain and Changes review after 6 weeks.

This course provides great value for money due to the pay as you go structure. The total cost includes 6 weeks program, a workbook, and our e-book, TWOO “The way out of” early burnout, and personalised tips and tools.

– One installment – CHF 1.675. –
– 3 installments – CHF 570.- (due at the beginning, the 3rd week and 5th week)

Contact us to get a 20 minutes call to know more


Ask for further information on how we can tailor program topics to spark up your next:

  • Walk&Talk
  • ARA Retreat camp
  • Board meeting
  • Team incentive
  • Conference
  • Health incentive