Why Active Recovery Academy (ARA)
Master Active Recovery is an invaluable skill for executives, leaders and managers to boost their ability to perform with excellence and enhance their marketability as professionals.
Our team is made up of former athletes and experts with experience in training leaders who will have a first-hand experience on what it takes to reach and stay on top under demanding circumstances.
Active Recovery Academy (ARA Health) was founded with the mission to enable leaders to thrive in business by mastering active recovery, boosting energy, learning in-demand business skills to manage extreme pressure and challenges, performance optimisation at work, and develop self-leadership in themselves and others. And lastly, to gain real-life examples from experts for how important active recovery of the body mind energy is in business decision making, execution and driving healthy performance.
Want to learn more? Here’s how you can reach us :
ARA’s team of experts

Dano Halsall
Swimming World Champion and Record Holder, Coach, trainder and speaker

Boris Gojanovic (DR)
Sports and internal medicine specialist at Hôpital de La Tour.
President of Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland

Mattia Piffaretti (PhD)
Specialist in sports psychology FSP. Researched the motivational
mechanisms and burnout in sports.

Anne Rita Bertschy
FSP Psychologist, mental coach, corporate trainer, former high-level athlete, equestrian, Oxygen Advantage breathing coach, certified Equicoach.

Jean-Pierre Egger
Coach, trainer and consultant, 2020 Swiss Sport Award winner

Frode Hvaring
HR Guide, Talent Partner, Visiting Lecturer EHL Hospitality
Business School.

Maaike Kruseman (RD, PhD)
Dietitian specialized in eating behaviors, weight loss maintenance and sports nutrition.

Benoit Vendeville
Bachelor in sport science – European diploma in strength and conditioning
Qualified senior Performance coach at Hintsa.

Lydwine Vaudan
ICF Certified Holistic and Systemic Coach, Personal and Professional Development, Skills Assessment. Certified in InterQualia® flow assessment. Walk & Talk coaching.

Chris Christiansson
Program director, Harvard educated, trained and coached worldwide 5,000+ corporate executives in healthy performance.
Ask for further information on how we can tailor program topics to spark up your next:
- Walk&Talk
- ARA Retreat camp
- Board meeting
- Team incentive
- Conference
- Health incentive